Alex's Answer

A teacher hit me with a stick

Your Question

Hi Alexa my Malayalam teacher beat me with her stick 


Hi there,
Thanks for getting in touch with Ask Alex. You’ve shown a lot of courage by reaching out to us about what’s happening for you.
You mentioned that your Malayalam teacher hit you with her stick. This must have been very frightening and distressing for you. No one ever deserves to be subjected to physical harm.
We are concerned to hear that a teacher has used a stick to hit you, as this constitutes a form of physical abuse. Physical abuse involves someone hurting your body; they might use their own body parts to cause harm or employ an object like a stick to inflict harm.
You have the right to feel safe and protected from harm, especially when you are at school or under the care of an adult. Have you spoken to someone you trust about this? This could be a youth worker, parent, or another family member. Taking this step might be challenging, but it’s crucial to seek support if you and others are feeling unsafe in the classroom.
In Ireland, it is against the law to physically punish children. This applies to all adults. You have the right to access support in relation to this matter. We have some useful articles on our website that could help you gain a better understanding: ; .
If you’re not yet comfortable reaching out to someone you trust, you can always chat with us at Childline. We provide a 24/7 confidential listening service where we can offer support, listen, and explore potential options with you. Our freephone number is 1800 66 66 66, or you can also visit where you’ll find the Live Chat option by clicking on the Orange Tab.
We hope that this information has been beneficial for you.
Best wishes,

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