Alex's Answer

Am I normal feeling this way after giving my girlfriend oral sex?

Your Question

A few days ago, I gave my girlfriend oral sex, after we had finished, I noticed for the rest of the day my lips and especially the outside of my top lip smelt of her vagina and it made me feel sexy and want to touch myself am I normal for feeling this way?


Hi there and welcome to Ask Alex.  

Thank you for contacting us. We understand that it’s not always easy to share how we’re feeling, but we also know how important it is to talk about our worries. 

You said that a few days ago, you gave your girlfriend oral sex and after you had finished you noticed for the rest of the day that your lips and especially the outside of your top lip smelt of her vagina and it made you feel sexy and want to touch yourself. You are asking if you are normal for feeling this way. It is completely normal to feel this way. Masturbation is completely normal. It’s a personal decision as to if you decide to masturbate. It sounds like you are in tune with the messages that your body is sending you. You can respond to this in a way that feels comfortable for you. Exploring our bodies is a normal part of our development but remember that you should always feel safe and secure.   

Remember, you can always phone Childline on 1800 66 66 66 to talk about what is going on for you if you don’t feel ready to talk to someone in your life quite yet. We are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our web chat service through, is also available daily. While we will not tell you what to do, we are here to listen to and support you, and to help you to explore the options that are available to you in your life. We are here to help you in a way that suits you.   

Take Care,  


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