A young girl using a two sticks and string to create a giant bubble.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition that can cause above-normal levels of impulsive and hyperactive behaviour.


People with ADHD might also have difficulties when trying to concentrate or sit still for a long period of time. It is estimated that 5% of the Irish population lives with ADHD. 

Some common features of ADHD include:



Living with ADHD can have effects on various aspects of life. However, with a proper diagnosis, support and treatment, people with ADHD can live a full, happy and successful life.


More information and support

ADHD Ireland provides support and information for young people and adults affected by ADHD, as well as their families and carers. 

Website: adhdireland.ie

Childline can also be contacted by any child or young person by calling 1800 66 66 66, texting to 50101 or chatting online at Childline.ie 24 hours a day, every day.


Resources and Tips to Help a Young Person/Person with ADHD 

    • Lucena Clinichttps://www.lucenaclinic.ie/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder
    • Exercise. When dealing with ADHD, make sure to take exercises breaks between tasks to stay focused and manage energy levels.


    • Games. There are tasks you can do to help train the part of your brain that helps you focus. You can play card games like ‘Snap’ or Board Games like ‘Jenga’.


    •  Make Use of Calendars. It can be really useful to set up visual calendars in the home or in your diary/notebook. You can also do this with a phone’s calendar app. This will work as a reminder of important tasks.  

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