Pat's Answer

My Dad grabs my butt and I just want to know if that is sexual assault?

Your Question

My Dad grabs my butt and I just want to know if that is sexual assault. 


Hi there, welcome to Ask Pat.  

Thank you so much for writing into us. We understand that it can be difficult to reach out and talk about things that might make you uncomfortable.  

You have told us that your Dad grabs your butt and you are wondering if that is sexual assault. 

In answer to your question, no one has the right to touch or slap you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or makes you question whether it is sexual assault. There is an article on the Childline website that might help you to understand whether what you have experienced is abuse:  

You have the right to be heard and listened to and to express how you are feeling. I wonder if could you reach out to an adult you trust – be it your mum, an aunt/uncle, grandparent, teacher or coach – to let them know how you are feeling? You have a right to feel safe in your home. If you ever feel that you are in immediate danger, you can contact the emergency services at 999 or 112 – these calls are free of charge from any landline or mobile phone.  

Childline is here for you through phone, text or online chat, and we would encourage you to talk to us about what is going on for you. You can contact us 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. All the services are confidential and non-judgemental. Our contact details are phone: 1800 66 66 66, text: 50101, or web chat that you access through this website: .     

You have been really brave to let us know what is going on for you.  We hope you have found this information helpful and if you have any more questions, please get in touch.  

Take care,  


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