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There are a number of reasons that young people may go missing – from running away from home to getting lost or even being taken away by someone. Read more about children going missing here, and learn when you might want to call the National Missing Children’s Hotline.   

If your family or friends do not know where you are, you might be described as ‘missing’. 

How can young people go missing? 

There are many different ways in which a child or young person can go missing. They might run away from home, or they might be taken away by a parent or a stranger. In Ireland, most people who go missing run away from home. It is unusual for a young person to be taken in Ireland. 

How might young people who go missing feel? 

Young people who go missing might experience many different emotions, including: 

  • Sad 
  • Alone 
  • Scared or worried 
  • Let down by adults 
National Missing Children’s Hotline 

The National Missing Children’s Hotline is available 24 hours a day, by calling 116 000. 

You might want to ring the Hotline if: 

  • You are thinking of running away 
  • You are known as ‘missing’, you feel you cannot go home and you have no-one to talk to 
  • You have arrived in Ireland and are separated from your parents 
  • You have information about another young person who is missing 
  • A loved one is missing 

Key takeaways

  • There are a few different reasons that a young person may go missing.
  • It is rare for a child or young person to be taken away by someone.
  • Young people who are missing can feel scared, sad, alone and let down.
  • There are a few situations where you might want to call the National Missing Children’s Hotline (116 000)

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