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Domestic violence and abuse is a type of violence that takes place within a family home. Whether between mum and dad or siblings, it’s never okay. If you are witnessing it, or if you are being hurt directly, it’s important to keep yourself as safe as you can. This article will give you some advice on how to do that, and how/where you can get help when you need it. 

Domestic violence is a type of violence which can happen in a family home. 

Domestic violence is usually violence seen between mum and dad, or some of your siblings. 

There are four main types of abuse – emotional, physical, sexual and neglect. Abuse is something that can happen on a regular basis in someone’s home. 

It is very important to stay as safe as possible if domestic violence or abuse is happening. 

Is Domestic Violence okay? 

No. Domestic Violence is never okay. Everyone has the right to be safe at all times, especially in their home. Hitting someone or calling them names is not a nice thing to do. 

If you are worried, it is important to speak to a trusted adult in your life. Don’t forget that you can call Childline and speak to someone about your worries on 1800 66 66 66. 

Safety plans 

A safety plan is a plan that you can put in place if you feel unsafe in your home, or anywhere else. 

If you feel like you are in danger, it is best that you find a safe place that you can be. This could be your bedroom, outside in the garden or anywhere that is safe. 

It is best that you do not get involved in any arguments at home between adults – and it is important to find a trusted adult to tell about what is going on at home. This could be a teacher, a grandparent, or another adult that you trust. 

Never get involved 

If adults at home are fighting, it is best that you do not get involved. Keep yourself safe and try and keep yourself calm. 

You could do this by hugging your favourite teddy bear, listening to music or reading a story. 

It is not your fault 

No matter what the argument is about between the adults at home, it is never your fault! Sometimes adults fight, which is not okay to do, but please remember that you have done nothing to cause this and you should not feel like you have. If you feel like you would like to talk to someone about feeling like this, you can talk to Childline by chatting to us on this website, calling 1800 66 66 66 or sending a text to 50101. 

Supports and Resources 

Whatever age you are, or wherever you are in Ireland, there are supports available to you if you are worried about Domestic Violence or Abuse. Childline is always here for you. 

Members of the the ISPCC Childline Children’s Advisory Committee have helped to create ‘Shine’ support and information booklets for children and young people of different ages – you can check them out at the links below: 

Shine young children (younger primary school years) 

Shine older children (older primary school years) 

Shine young people (secondary school age) 

Key takeaways

  • It’s safest for you to not get involved with adults who are engaging in violence and fighting, even if you want to defend someone.
  • A safety plan can help you stay calm and safe in frightening moments.
  • Domestic violence is never your fault.
  • If you ever feel in danger of being harmed, you have the right to call the Gardai on 999 or 112.
  • We’re always here to talk to you if you’re struggling to cope with violence in your home.

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