Pat's Answer
To Pat / 25 March 2020
Topic: Worried about Covid-19
Your Question
I’m worried about covid19
Because my sister and dad
have underlined conditions
and I’m scared if they get it
pat please help
From Pat / 27 March 2020
Hello, welcome to Ask Pat,
Yes, Covid-19 is scary for a lot of people. It is ok to be worried, you are not alone in this.
The HSE (Health Service Executive) have issued guidelines for everyone to follow to help keep them safe and protect them from contracting the virus. They also tell you what the symptoms are and what to do if you experience them. You can find them at this website
It is important that you talk about your worries with an adult that you are comfortable talking to. This might be a parent or another family member. Maybe you would feel better talking to Childline. Childline’s free phone service is open 24 hours a day at 1800 66 66 66. You can also text to our free text number 50101, or chat to us using our free web chat on this website.
Take care,