Alex's Answer
Why do I self-harm? I’m only 10 and feel addicted to it
Your Question
why do want to self harm, im only 10, i have self harmed already im addicted to it why
Hi, welcome to Ask Alex. Thank you for your question.
You have been very brave to reach out to us and it sounds like things are not going as they should for you right now. You are wondering why you want to self-harm. You are only 10 and feel you are addicted as you have already self-harmed. It sounds like you are confused as to why you self-harm and why you feel addicted to self-harm. The want/need to self-harm can sometimes be because of a build-up of feelings around certain things that might be going on for you in your life right now and not having a healthy outlet or way of coping with these feelings.
We would be concerned to hear that you are currently self-harming. Do you have a trusted adult that you feel you could talk to about what’s going on for you at the moment? This could be a parent, aunt/uncle, grandparent, teacher, sports coach or youth worker. It is not easy dealing with these feelings on your own and we want you to know there is support available. For example, Pieta House: offers a free one-to-one therapeutic support service for those who engage in self-harming behaviours. You could also speak with your GP. You may find these articles helpful: and
If you’re not yet ready to approach an adult in your life right now then you could contact Childline by phone on 1800 66 66 66 or through our web chat on Childline is here for you anytime; we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a free and confidential service. We are non-judgemental, and we will not tell you what to do instead we can help you explore what options may be available to you.
Thank you for your question and I hope that you find some of the information above useful. Remember you are not alone.
Look after yourself.