Safe ways to vent your frustration at the world

Two girls sitting on a beach boardwalk. One girl looks into the distance the other girl has her eyes closed and rests her head in her hand.

We all feel anger at different times in our lives. Some experience it on a daily basis whereas other people might only really feel angry once every few weeks or months.


If you’re someone who feels angry quite often, it’s important to know how to express it in a safe way.  

Your priority is to bring down your heartrate and frustration levels to make sure you don’t do or say something you end up regretting. 

Here are a few ways you can safely express your anger: 


Tell someone how you feel 

If there’s someone you trust at your disposal, take them somewhere private and tell them what’s going on inside your head.  

Simply saying it out loud will reduce the intensity of the emotion and you will get another perspective that may help you see things differently. 

Write it out 

If there’s no one you feel comfortable talking to, write out your feelings in a diary or a piece of paper that you can tear up afterwards.  

Once you see the issue in black and white you will hopefully realise that it’s not as huge as you first thought.  

Do some physical activity 

Anger can manifest as a physical rush of energy (adrenaline) that makes us feel like we need to lash out. 

Instead, channel that energy into an activity like running, boxing or weight-lifting. Not only will you feel calmer afterwards, your body will benefit from the exercise. 

Talk to the person you’re angry with 

Being angry with someone is not a pleasant feeling so it’s good to release it as soon as you can.  

However, if you’re going to talk to the person you’re angry with, make sure you don’t go to them while you’re still fired up. Take the time to calm down and plan what you want to say. 

Be prepared for them to disagree with you but take comfort in the fact that you said what you needed to say. 

Complain to someone 

If you are angry about how you’ve been treated or you see an injustice done to someone else, report it to a person in authority.  

Doing nothing will make you feel more frustrated and hopefully, by complaining, something will change. 

Start a petition 

It can be very disheartening when you see something that needs to be changed for the greater good. However, there is something you can do. As the saying goes, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’  

Start a petition, start a movement, see what can happen. The longest journey starts with a first step… 


Ask for support 

Don’t ever be afraid to reach out and look for support if you’re having a hard time controlling your anger. Childline is available to you at all times by phone 1800 66 66 66 or Live Chat on 


Why you should get fresh air at least once a day

A older teenage boy standing against trees blurred in the background with his arms crossed looking to the left and smiling.

Are your parents always telling you to play outside when it’s not raining? Or talking about when they were young and there were no smartphones to entertain them?!


Well, next time, instead of insisting that you’d prefer to watch TV, play a video game or scroll on the iPad, you should head outside! 

Not only will your parents will be delighted, you’ll also feel so much better when you’re there. You might not realise it but being outdoors is fantastic for your mental wellbeing.  

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should get some fresh air every day: 


  • Vitamin D 

Vitamin D is produced in your skin in response to sunlight so it’s not surprising that many of us in Ireland don’t have enough of it in our bodies. 

Vitamin D is connected to your mood so when you don’t get enough of it, it can lead to depression and anxiety which is why you should get out in the fresh air at every opportunity. Just remember to wear plenty of suncream (SPF) too! 


  • Brain power 

Being outside provides more oxygen to your brain after being cooped up inside all day. This promotes creativity, focus and an overall sense of wellbeing.  

So, if you’re trying to do your homework and finding yourself getting distracted easily and losing concentration, go outside for 15 minutes – you’ll fly through your work when you get back inside! 


  • Mood 

Studies have shown a significant reduction in anger, anxiety and low mood after being outdoors. If that’s not a good reason to go for a hike, we don’t know what is! 


  • Better sleep 

Have you ever noticed that you have a great night’s sleep after being at the beach all day or spending a few hours in the park?  

Well, that’s because being outdoors reduces anxiety and negative emotions meaning that you go to bed happier. And when you’re feeling happier, you’re more relaxed and you sleep better. 


  • Exercise 

Another great reason to spend time outdoors is because it usually means you’re exercising! Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, cycling, skating, hiking or just playing with your friends, you’re moving your body, you’re away from screens and this has a great effect on your physical and mental health.