Alex's Answer

Some one tried to follow me home

Your Question

Hey Alex! I am a 17 year old girl! They other day someone followed me home and he tried to grabbed and he touched me and he almost and I feel really dirty, I am really happy that a person saved and my parents took me straight to the gards! Everyone should be really careful!


Hi there, 

Thank you so much for getting in touch with ask alex. We are so glad to hear that you are okay and that some one saved you from this scary experience. 

No one has the right to touch you or grab you without your consent. It is good that your parents took you to the guards after this, as this is what we would recommend to do. 

It is also important to check in with yourself and see how you are feeling after such an experience. Have you spoken to any one since? Your feelings of feer are totally understandable and it is good to talk to those around you if these feelings ever get too big.

Childline is here for you 24/7. You can talk to someone who will listen and support you without judgment. Whether you need someone to talk to or want to explore your options, Childline is just a call or click away. You deserve to feel safe and loved, and there are people who can help you make that happen. You can phone us for free on 1800 66 66 66 or have a web chat with us through Messenger at, just click the purple chat circle). The team is here 24-hours a day, every day, waiting to support you.
Thank you also for highlighting that everyone needs to be careful, it is important to always let someone else know where you are incase something should occur. 

Take care of yourself, we hope to hear from you again soon,

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