Alex's Answer
Reflection, what does it mean
Your Question
What does reflection mean?
Hi there and thank you for contacting us.Â
It sounds like you are wondering about the meaning of the word reflection.Â
Some words can have more than one meaning and we would like to be able to give you the correct one that relates to you. One of the more popular meanings of the word reflection would be to think deeply about something in particular, so it’s like your reflections are your thoughts about something.
If you’re unsure about what this means, you could to talk to someone in your life who you feel might be able to help you with this; to talk it through with them.
If chatting with someone isn’t an option for you, you are very welcome to contact the team in Childline anytime. The freephone number is 1800 66 66 66 or if you prefer you could use our web chat on, (click on the orange live chat button/tab). All the Childline services are free, confidential and open 24 hours a day and we would love to have a chat with you.Â
Thanks so much for contacting Ask Alex, take care.Â