Alex's Answer

My parents are not the best

Your Question

Hey Alex, should I tell my parents about my problems so they can get me a therapist? They’re not the best, they’ve emotionally manipulated me, pressured me, forced their religion, etc. But I’m tired of just sitting here and being sad. So, should I? 


Hello, thank you for reaching out and sharing what you’ve been going through with your parents.
First of all, well done for recognizing that you need help and choosing to look for it. Asking for help is not always easy, so reaching out to us and potentially your parents is a big step that shows a lot of courage.
You mentioned your parents have emotionally manipulated you and pressured you. Considering this, would you feel safe approaching them to ask for therapy? They may ask you more about the problems you are experiencing and what has been making you feel sad. Would you be willing to do this even if they don’t fully understand where you are coming from or what you are going through?
On one hand, your parents may not be able to give you the understanding and support you need, but on the other, they may still have your best interests at heart. Approaching them could help them realise how serious things have gotten and how their behaviour has impacted you. You will know best what’s right for you and if you feel that telling your parents is the best thing to do for your situation.
If you’re not comfortable sharing with them, there are other supports out there for you, which we will go through more below.
You also mentioned that you are tired of just sitting and being sad. Dealing with mental health issues alone can be very challenging and even overwhelming, and looking for help is the first step towards recovery.
Therapy is a valuable resource to help come to terms with what is going on for you, but it is not your only option. There are several free and confidential support services available for people having mental health difficulties.
If you would like to talk to someone, you can reach out to a listening service like Childline. Childline is a free and confidential space; we are here for you any time that you need a listening ear. We can be reached through the free number 1800 666 666 or by using Live Chat on our website
We would also recommend checking out Jigsaw or Aware. These are services dedicated to providing information, support services, and advice to people struggling with their mental health.
It’s great that you want to talk about how you are feeling. Have you opened up to any of your friends or any trusted adults in your life? Spending time around people you like and trust can help nurture feelings of happiness and can help combat or distract from the sadness.
Take some time to think over the options. Perhaps do some research into the different services that might be available to you in your area. When you have all the information you need, you will be best equipped to make a well-informed decision.
Remember, you do not have to face this on your own, give us a call and we can go through some options with you, like how to approach your parents, and what you might say to them.
Take care of yourself, know that we are here for you 24/7,

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