Alex's Answer

My friend overdosed and has unfriended me on discord, I'm stressed and crying about it

Your Question

Recently my friend od (overdosed) and I’ve been stressing and crying a lot because she’s across the world. I can’t do anything to help her at this rate, she hasn’t responded to me and infact unfriended me on Discord.


Hello, you’re welcome to Ask Alex. Thank you for contacting us with your concerns, it’s very brave of you.

We are sorry to hear that your friend has overdosed. From what you are saying you are feeling stressed, very upset and at a loss as you cannot help her at the moment. You also mentioned that your friend hasn’t responded to you and has unfriended you on Discord.

Friendships can be hard to navigate and maintain at times, and in your case, you have the added complication of the distance between you. Perhaps she has decided to focus on her recovery for the time being or maybe her parents have limited her online activities until she feels better. She may come back online at a later stage, and you have the option of offering your support then. You seem to be a very supportive, caring friend, that’s a great way to be.

We here at Childline feel that it is important for you to mind yourself as this situation may be rather frightening and confusing for you. You have the right to get support to help you make sense of your feelings and experiences; is there someone in your family you can chat to? A trusted adult such as a parent, aunt/uncle or perhaps someone you feel comfortable with at school may be able to help you express what you are experiencing and come up with ideas and solutions to help you feel better.

You do not have to go through this alone. If you don’t feel ready to talk to someone in your day-to-day life, we at Childline would love to listen to you about your friendship and how you are feeling. You can contact us on 1800 66 66 66 or via our webchat which can be found at You can also text us on 50101. All of the services are free and confidential, and we don’t judge what you say, we believe you, and you are safe to chat about anything.

We hope this answer has helped you. Mind yourself.


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