Alex's Answer

My Dad makes me feel uncomfortable as he constantly discusses sex and makes inappropriate comments

Your Question

so my dad is really weird and strange, he talks about sex ed with me every single day and touched on me even when i tell him to stop and its around the private parts, he also comes in the bathroom while im in there and justs looks and me and walks away. and also makes pedophile jokes about underage girls and said ill sell your nude photos online and laughed but he denies. what should i do? 


Welcome to Ask Alex, 

We would like to thank you for trusting us with your deepest thoughts, feelings, and questions.  

We are sorry to hear that you feel that the relationship that you have with your dad is weird and strange. From what you have described, it sounds like your dad is over-stepping boundaries. It is important that you know that nobody has the right to lay their hands on you and to make you feel uncomfortable either with words or actions. As we grow up, we need to learn how to respect each other’s personal space and boundaries. This also applies to our family members. You have a right to get support around this issue and to feel safe in your home environment. Do you have a trusted adult such as your mother, aunt/ uncle, grandparent, teacher or sports coach you could turn to about your current feelings and experiences?  

Remember, you have the right to feel safe. You have the right to seek support from the Gardai or Tusla Child and Family services. Tusla can be contacted via this website: If you feel you are a risk to your own safety or in danger from others at any time, you can contact the emergency services by calling 112 or 999 at no charge. You can also make an appointment to see your GP or you could present yourself at your closest A&E department.   

You can always call Childline on 1800 66 66 66, contact us by text on 5010 or through our webchat at The Childline team is there to listen 24 hours a day, every day. Our services are free, confidential and non-judgemental. We will support you and explore the different options available to you. 

We hope that you have found some of the information useful, thank you for sharing your questions and keep safe.  


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