Alex's Answer

Is it normal to feel sexually aroused when reading words like “masturbation” and “sex”?

Your Question

Hi Alex , My friend always brings up sexual stuff in our conversations and yesterday night she brought up another topic and it got me really horny and like since we are close i told her that i was quite horny by our conversation and that i’d like her to stop using certain words like “masturbation” “horny” “sex” because it was making me very aroused. (I’m a female myself) My question is ,Is it normal to feel horny when reading words like this over and over? 


Hi there, and welcome to Ask Alex. 

Thank you for sharing your question with us. You say that your friend is using sexual language in conversations which is causing you to feel “horny” and you are wondering if it’s normal to feel horny when reading words like this over and over. To answer your question, our bodies and minds respond to what is around us. When we see food that we like, for example, it can make us hungry. It is completely normal to feel horny or sexually aroused when reading or hearing words like this, and this is something that every young person experiences. As your body changes during puberty, you will experience physical and hormonal changes which is your bodies way of preparing for sexual maturity. 

As your body continues to change you may have more questions about this, do you have a trusted adult in your life that you can discuss this with such as a parent, aunt or uncle? It may feel awkward or uncomfortable, but remember it is completely normal and older adults in your life will have experienced similar changes during puberty. You might also find the following articles helpful for further information. : and 

If you would like to speak to somebody else about the changes you are experiencing, Childline is always here to listen to you. You can contact the online chat at or contact the phone service on 1800 66 66 66. Childline is a free and confidential service available 24 hours, 7 days a week. 

Thanks again for trusting us with your question. 

Take care 


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