Alex's Answer

I'm worried about what has happened in the American schools. Can I have some advice please?

Your Question

 I just feel worried about what has happened in the American schools during the week. Can I have some advice please


Hi there, welcome to Ask Alex. 

You mentioned you are feeling worried about what has happened in American schools recently and you would like some advice on this; thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us on this topic. 

Firstly, well done for reaching out about this and asking for help. It’s not always easy to share our fears and you’ve taken an important first step by messaging us. When you say what happened this week, are you referring to the shooting incident? If so, it is completely understandable that you are worried. That was a scary event, and you may feel more affected if you are currently in school yourself. One thing you might find helpful is talking to a trusted adult about your worries such as a parent, teacher, aunt/uncle, etc. Whoever you feel comfortable with and will take the time to listen and help you.  

Secondly, while you can read up on what’s happening in the news, it’s important that it is coming from a credible source such as well-known and well-regarded news outlets. It’s normal to want to know more about what’s happening in the world around you. It’s also good to take a break from these thoughts from time to time by doing something you enjoy- reading a book, watching something funny and light-hearted, playing a sport etc. This helps prevent us from being overwhelmed. If you like, you can also visit the website which has some more useful tips on how to cope with upsetting or scary news:  

Remember, Childline are always here if you want to text (50101), chat ( or call us (1800 66 66 66).  The services are free and confidential, and we offer a safe place to talk about anything that is going on for you. We are available 24/7 so you can reach out whenever you need to talk. We will never judge you or tell you what to do, we’re here to listen. 

Hope to hear from you soon. 

Take care,  


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