A teenage girl sitting on a sofa holding a pregnancy test in her hands.
If you feel you may be pregnant, it can be a stressful and worrying time.


The only way to really be sure that you are pregnant is by visiting your doctor.

There are, however, a few signs you can look out for.

It’s important to understand that you might have a few, or some, or none of these signs so it can be a very confusing time!

Signs which may indicate you are pregnant

  • Your period is late, missed or more irregular than what is normal for you
  • Your breasts and nipples become sore
  • You feel sick or feel like vomiting
  • You experience changes in your vagina, such as discharge
  • You experience tiredness or fatigue that is not normal for you
  • You need to go to the bathroom more than usual

What makes you think you might be pregnant?

Lots of young people fear they may be pregnant after having sex. This can be a very worrying time.

It can help to know what makes getting pregnant more likely, for example:

  • If you have had unprotected sex e.g. no condom or birth control (the pill)
  • If Your contraception has failed

How can I find out if I am pregnant?

  • Home pregnancy tests might be an option for you. These are available to buy from pharmacies and supermarkets. 
  • Visit a doctor.
  • You can make an appointment with your local well women’s clinic or with the IFPA – The Irish Family Planning Association

You don't have to face this alone

What do you think it would be like for you to talk to someone you can trust about your options, your worries or fears and to help you figure out your next steps? This may be a good friend, a parent or family member, your doctor, a school counsellor, the Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA), or you might like to talk to Childline.

ISPCC Childline is always here to listen. You can contact us for free by calling 1800 66 66 66, texting to 50101 or chatting online on this website. All chats are confidential and we don’t judge or tell you what to do.

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