Alex's Answer

I am sad

Your Question

what do i do when i am sad 


Hi, welcome to Ask Alex. 

Thank you for reaching out to us, we know its not always easy but we think you are really brave for reaching out for support.  

You are wondering what you should do when you are sad. We are sorry to hear that you are feeling sad and would really like to chat to you some more about what is going on for you. We understand that your feelings are unique to you.  Sometimes when you feel sad it is important to talk and share these feelings with people you trust. Have you thought about explaining this feeling to a trusted adult in your life, perhaps a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle or an adult that you feel comfortable talking to?  

It is important that you understand why you are feeling sad and to look at ways that can make you feel happy because you have the right to be happy. When we are feeling sad it can also help to practice self-care. This could be practicing a favourite hobby, having a bath, listening to your favourite music, watching your favourite movie, or spending time with family and friends. Here is an article from the Childline website that may be helpful for you:  

Childline is available if you would like to talk about what sad means to you. How would you feel about giving us a call on 1800 66 66 66 or even have a web chat with us through (just click on the orange Live Chat tab) so that we could help you look at the options that are available to you should you need more help? The services are free and confidential and are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  

Take care of yourself, we hope to hear from you soon. 


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